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All About Dog Poop

If only our dogs could talk! Pet parents throughout the United States and the world wish their dogs could tell them when they aren’t feeling good. As a pet parent, you might feel like you have no hope in finding out, but there is a secret way you can keep an eye on your dog's health and it’s something that happens every day.

Analyzing and observing your dog’s poop is an excellent way to stay on track with your dog’s health. It’s not as disgusting as it sounds. Chances are you already pick up your dog’s poop with a plastic baggie anyway when cleaning up after your dog.

Getting familiar with your dog’s poop is as easy as looking at it from a standing position. Your dog’s regular standard poop size and color is something you should look for every time your dog goes to the bathroom. Learning the normal standard consistency, size, color, and odor give you a foundation to compare to later.

This means if your dog starts going to the bathroom more often or not enough it could be a sign of an issue. Or, if your dog’s poop suddenly starts looking unusual, changes consistency, changes color or contains phlegm-like consistency and blood there is an issue going on internally that requires veterinarian assistance.

Before rushing off to the veterinarian ask yourself if you have changed your dog’s diet recently. This includes changing treats as well. Try to think if you caught your dog eating human food off of your plate when you weren’t looking or consuming anything they usually don’t but is not exactly harmful or toxic to dogs. If your dog is experiencing an upset stomach due to him or her eating a few bites of fried chicken off your plate, chances are this situation will pass in a few days.

If your dog is experiencing signs such as loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting or other serious issues rush them to the animal hospital or veterinarian office as quickly as possible. It’s a possibility they consumed something that was toxic or at the very least upsetting to their digestive system. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Consumption of toxic products can lead to death so always act quickly when dealing with this type of situation.

The consistency of the poop can tell you several factors such as the ones listed below:

Less poop – If you switched your dog from kibble to the raw food diet, you will notice there is less poop compared to the kibble diet poop. You will also notice the poop is smaller and less stinky. Generally, dogs that consume a raw food diet high in minerals will have a lighter color poop that disintegrates quickly.

Grey greasy poop – This poop can also look wet and shiny. However, it is often caused by a high amount of fat in your dog’s diet.

Diarrhea – The sight of diarrhea is unmistakable. It is usually very wet and runny. It could be any color depending on what your dog has consumed. The common causes of diarrhea are poor diet, stress, change in diet, parvovirus, cancer and other medical issues that need to be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

If you are absolutely sure your dog hasn’t consumed anything toxic waiting about 24 hours to see if the condition returns back to normal is wise. If the condition continues for more than 24 hours veterinarian assistance is recommended.

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