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What is Puppy Imprinting and Training?

Your adorable Berger Blanc Suisse puppy goes through imprinting at a young age, specifically the first 8 weeks of life with their mother and siblings. This is where they are imprinted first. During this imprinting process, your puppy learns behavior from their mother, humans and other influences. This is how your puppy learns his or her basic socialization skills. This helps to produce a well-adjusted and happy dog.

Socialization Period

Between 3 and 12 weeks of age key imprinting occurs. During the first 1 to 2 weeks of life, your puppy learns how to use his or her senses and control the body. Proper socialization imprinting sets a foundation for your puppy’s behavior for the rest of their lifetime. This is why human touch is so critical during this time as well. They will always have the skills they learned from a young age appear as their natural behavior going forward. Everything Counts!

Canine Imprinting

Socializing with other dogs is essential for your puppy to learn how to interact with other canines. If a puppy is isolated from other dogs they tend to begin to see dogs as threats. Your puppy needs to know he or she is a canine and must learn how to interact with other dogs. Socialization is critical.

Human Imprinting

During week 7 and 12, your puppy has already socialized with dogs and need to take the next step of being exposed to more humans. This is especially important because humans are going to be raising the puppy for the rest of his or her life.

During this imprinting stage, your puppy will get introduced to humans of all ages. In addition to humans, your puppy is also ready to be introduced to other species and lots of different sounds and touches to their paws. Your puppy learns the differences between the species and over time becomes comfortable with them instead of feeling fearful of the unknown. The more exposure they get the better well rounded. This training continues once you get your puppy home and introduce him or her to their new surroundings, humans, other pets and more.

Fear Imprinting

Your puppy is vulnerable to traumatic experiences during weeks 8 to 10. During this time anything that scares your puppy can become a lifelong issue and possibly become a phobia. During this time frame, your puppy is exposed to a multitude of new experiences, dogs, humans and more. It is always done in a positive, light-hearted way to help avoid causing fear in your puppy. Anything your puppy can translate into a frightening experience is avoided during this time.

Our Puppy Academy is well thought out and designed to create well-balanced, well-mannered and happy dogs. Our program is designed to crate and potty train and the puppy learns about 80% of the basic commands. It's a step-by-step process that provides our puppies with the best of everything in life.

This includes being born as Mozart music is playing in the background and throughout the first several weeks of life on a continuous loop. We also provide our puppies with an ultimate raw food healthy diet to assure they have every vitamin, nutrient, and mineral their little bodies need to grow up strong and healthy.

Overall our imprinting puppy training program produces friendly, loving, socialized, well-trained puppies that are ready to experience the adventures of life.

To learn more on caring for your Furbaby and see more pictures and videos of our Dogs, go to our Facebook page @ and you can subscribe for updated litter information, support, education and other resources @

Remember to share with your friends and relatives who you think would be interested in getting this kind of support and education for their furbabies. Believe me....They will thank you :)

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