Summer Safety Tips For Your Dog

Summer is around the corner and it’s time to let your dog get some much needed fresh air. The bright sunshine and blue sky are a perfect setting for spending time outdoors with your pup. But did you know hidden dangers lurk around the corner? That warm sun can cause heat stroke in your dog and those plants you just placed in your garden could be toxic. Consider the following safety tips before you let your dog run around outside in the summer heat.

• Prevent Heatstroke – You will be surprised that a visit to the local dog park on a hot summer day can cause heatstroke in your dog. Always carry water and a portable dog bowl with you when going outdoors. Keep an eye out for heat stroke symptoms in your dog such as thick, sticky saliva, bright red tongue, rapid panting, vomiting and signs of weakness. If you notice any of these symptoms contact a veterinarian immediately.

• Remove Toxic Plants – You might have just spent a small fortune planting a garden or improving your landscape for the summer season. But, you might need to remove some of those plants immediately. There is a long list of toxic plants that can be deadly if your dog eats them. The most common toxic plants include Sago Palm, Oleander, Kalanchoe, Tulips, Daffodil, Azalea and Dieffenbachia.

• Avoid Leaving Your Dog in the Car – Some very responsible pet owners leave their dog in the car for just a few minutes to run into a store or to run an errand. These few minutes without air conditioning can become tragic. If you leave your dog in a car with rising temperatures outside, your dog can develop heatstroke and die. It only takes a few moments for the inside of a car to heat up.
To have a better understanding of this, try to remember when you got out of your nicely air conditioned car for a few minutes while you ran into a store to pick up a few things, only to return to a boiling hot car. Don’t do this to your dog! If you do decide to leave your dog in a hot car, some states legally allow strangers to break the car window and rescue your dog from the harsh conditions. In addition, they have the right to contact the police and animal control. Prevent this from happening to your pup by refusing to leave him or her alone in a hot car.

• Water Safety – Most dogs enjoy running through sprinklers, jumping in the pool and swimming in the lake or ocean. If your pup loves to be in the water keep him or her safe with a doggie life vest. Your pup might be the best swimmer in the family, but it doesn’t mean he or she can keep it up for long periods of time. Dogs can get tired just as quickly as people do. Always provide a doggie life jacket for your pup every time he or she is around water.
Summer should be spent outdoors in the fresh air and soaking up the sunshine. Your dog is a family member and best friend, which means they should be included in as many summer activities with you as possible. A good rule to follow is, “if it’s too hot outside for you, it’s too hot outside for your dog.”
If you need any more tips on how to keep your White Shepherd safe this Summer, please contact me for more tips and advice!
Stay safe and have a great summer!