Veterinarians Challenge the Government to Put a Stop to Vaccine Overdosing
While veterinarians will continue to fight for what is right for animals, pet owners are seeking alternative ways to treat their dogs by vis

Studies Link Canine Cancer to Lawn Chemicals
Cancer in dogs increased by use of chemical pesticides. Studies linking lawn chemicals to canine cancer show the dangers of pesticides for d

What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation
The fall season starts the busiest time of year for travel. Travel confidently with these tips from the top breeders of Berger Blanc Suisse

Guide to Fall Season Hazards for Dogs
If you are lucky enough to live in an area that experiences all the wonderfulness of the fall season, chances are your pup does too!...

Science Confirms that Dogs Can Recognize a Bad Person
Dogs have proven to be the most loyal creatures on earth. Dog owners often share meaningful stories about their dog saving their life or...

Basics of Berger Blanc Suisse Puppy Care
Basics of caring for your Berger Blanc Suisse Puppy - Easier than you think.

Remedies for Bad Dog Breath
What is that smell? Does your dog’s breath smell bad? Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is usually a result of bacteria that has...

What Causes Dog Snoring?
Is your dog keeping you awake all night with their loud snoring? This might have been cute when they were a puppy, but now they are an...

What is Puppy Imprinting and Training?
Your adorable Berger Blanc Suisse puppy goes through imprinting at a young age, specifically the first 8 weeks of life with their mother...

What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation
The spring/summer season starts the busiest time of year for travel. Many pet parents find themselves concerned about leaving their pets...